Mission Of Sustainability

To provide the highest level of service to our national and international clients, taking care of quality and environmental protection, bearing in mind cultural diversity and social responsibility and actively participate in creating quality, modern and inventive tourist programs of the destination through an innovative approach to new tourism products indigenous values ​​and cultural heritage.


Responsible business is our imperative.
In our daily efforts to meet the requirements of our clients, we take care of employees, associates and the environment, nurturing high ethical principles and socially responsible business.

In an effort to reduce the negative effects of our business we hold on to our basic principles:

• We ensure to comply with all national laws and regulations
• Continuously implement the sustainability policy and operate in accordance with i
• Raise awareness of the importance of sustainable business among our employees, but also associates and partners
• Support the development of the local community in a way that maximally preserves natural, cultural and ethnological resources
• According to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 Quality management system is applied through all processes of management and sales of all types of tourist products

In our business, by implementing the following practices, we actively implement a sustainability policy.


• We avoid using disposable plastic and plastic bags
• We try to print materials and emails as little as possible, if necessary we print on both sides
• We prefer to buy domestic products
• We buy office supplies in larger, more economical packages
• Waste is sorted and disposed of in accordance with legal regulations
• We take care of electricity, water and paper consumption
• Our printers are set to print on both sides
• At the end of working hours, all electrical devices are switched off and disconnected from the power supply
• We use as much natural light in the office as possible
• We avoid printing brochures, we prefer digital brochures, leaflets and catalogs that we send by e-mail
• Dishes and utensils and glasses are available to employees
• We motivate employees to use public transport or bicycles and scooters
• We have an active Environmental Policy Implementation System


• We respect the rights of employees and ensure equal conditions for all employees, regardless of gender, age, race, religion,…
• We provide health care for employees and the right to sick leave and maternity leave
• We oppose the illegal exploitation of children at work
• We offer the possibility of professional practice for students
• We regularly survey employee satisfaction and work on communication and do everything we can to ensure a safe and healthy work environment
• We provide all employees with equal opportunities and various opportunities for personal development through regular training and education


• We work with partners and suppliers who implement sustainability in their business policy
• We support suppliers to have private aspects of sustainability in their business
• We respect basic human rights and fight against the exploitation of children for work, as well as the sexual exploitation of children
• We ensure that our local partners comply with all applicable international, national and local laws and regulations, industry minimum standards and all other relevant legal requirements
• In creating tourist programs we avoid excursions and activities that have a negative impact on the environment, wildlife, natural and cultural heritage
• We hire certified local tourist guides for guidance services
• When visiting sensitive tourist destinations and locations, guides inform tourists about the rules of conduct in order to reduce the negative impacts on the site
• We support the local community with regular donations
• We are committed to a fair and safe work environment that supports and respects local communities
• We support the purchase of local and domestic products
• We provide clear information about the destination and the responsible behavior of passengers
• We take care of the protection of personal data of passengers
• Before the trip, we give the passenger the contact number of the person in the destination who will be available 24 hours a day in case of need
• In case of a client's complaint, we take care of it, take it into account and investigate the reasons for it.

Zagreb, 31.7.2021.

Contact us

Zagreb | Dubrovnik | Sarajevo | Ljubljana